But today I am back!

And the suprise for todays advent calendar will be a beuatiful beautiful thing, from one of the countries of my dreams...Window 10.
Here is window 9 as well, from yesterday. Even for those who doesnt knitt it could be beautiful to look at, I feel in a good mood just from looking at it, and I dream of one day easily put that thing together just like she has. Dont know if that ever will happen, I keep you updated on the tries.
Yesterday was not a very good day, today was better. The sun finally came out atleast for a bit today, and I really think that shared up my spirits. We do need some snow down here in the south of Sweden now, weather gods! My christmas mood is about to disapear and I am tierd constantly when it is barely light for a few hours a day even. And it feels like the day is just flying by without me getting very far in my thesis writing. Even though I dont spend THAT much time surfing around on the internet!
One thing that was really great yesterday though, that I almost forgot, was this:
Jonas Hassen Khemiri, the man of my dreams! ; )

He is a autor and a play-writer, who has written really good books about identity, language and the immigration and integration in Sweden today, in not so flatering words. He is also one of the most charming, seemingly smartest, and cutest guys I have seen.
I have seen him at a lecture at Växjö University a few years ago, then I fell in love for the first time, and then yesterday me and Sofie went to see him at a talk here in Malmö and he was still just as cute.
He was talking about rasism and the colonial heritage, how preceptions and jokes about diffrent people of other etnicities, who are considerd mainstream, are acctually racist and does make a difference on how the world goes around, when it comes to power and all that.
I dont know if this explination makes any sense, it is hard to give it back to you in english. But anyway, it was funny and at the same time scary to hear him tell about some of the things he experienced. The laugh got stuck in your throath as we say in Swedish.
Then when he was done everyone was lining up to buy some of his books that he had brought, and even though I shouldnt had cause I dont have any money I bought his last book, Montecore. I couldnt help it, when he signed it and all! Of course I couldnt come up with anything smart or funny to say when I stood infront of him so I just smiled foolishly. He could probably see all through me to my melting heart!
Ok, this sounds maybe a bit obsesed now, I am not really in love with him, and I am not going to stalk him down. But I do wish there was more men like him around, in the "real world", or my world.
It is really a roller-coaster this thesis. '
One moment I can feel pretty in to it, and feel like I know what I am doing and I am starting the analysis of the interviews with a lot of energy and a feeling that I acctually is on to something here. And then the next I dont have any inspiration at all, I dont understand what I want to say, what I have written before feels just like shit and wont make any difference what so ever, that I am just rambeling about trivialities when there is so much real injustices and discrimination in the world.
I will just try to make the good moments a bit more than the bad ones I guess, and get as much as possible done when they come.
Today I managed to go to the library at least, in time for those last hesitating rays of sun for the day. It was good, I always concentrate better when I get out of the house and in to a surrounding where other people are studying as well.
1 kommentar:
ja han var snygg :P har du alla dina böcker nere hos dig i malmö nu? jag har nästan glömt vilka böcker och prylar jag har, ska bli så kul att packa upp saker igen. :) /Ebba
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