The good thing with this is that I can do them while I watch True Blood or other series and movies that does not require my whole intelleqt.
I got the yarn from my stepmom collegue. She had heard that I was a knitter, and gaved her whole bags of wonderful pure wool yarn that she didnt want any more! This one is really thin and kind of stiff, I think it is suppose to be for weaving. But it works for thin things like this as well. I think I will try to make filted stuff with them at some point.
All these yarns together also make me all happy and bubbly.
I just love yarns, I dont know what it is with is that is so wonderful. It is all the different colors that you can get I think, and the textures and just the way they mix nice together and shoot out good feelings.
The messy ones at the bottom of the blog is also some of my favorites. Those I got a long time ago, I found them among some of my mums all old heritage stuff from her dad and aunt. They were all in big chunks by then, so it took a lot of time and patience to get them tangled out and rolled in to balls. I can be patient sometimes I think, specially if I do something that I can watch TV or listen to music to.
My mom was trained to be a textile artists, though she never worked as it. But she is really good at anything textily, she has sewn her own clothes all her life and there is amazing stuff that she has wowen and colored her self. And her aunt was a textile teacher and we still have little tidy samples of home colored yarns and a lot of embrodery threads saved from her. So I guess I do have some of the craftyness in my blood, it is just that I am more inpatient and impulvsive than my mom.
Whenever we are sewing something together she wants to do it exactly from the book, and make everything really tidy and neat, and I just want to get it done and dont mind improvising a bit. Her result does look better of course, and I usually get annoyed and often give up and let her finish it her way.
She is not that in to knitting though, maybe that is why I choose to concentrate on that, to have my own thing.
This is the only one of my storing places for yarn that look tidy at all (I will show you the disastrous one soon).
I just like the combination of the colors and the pattens of the textiles, they make me feel happy and inspired. The inspration came from the wonderful movie The science of sleep where there is a textile artist who has a big shelf like this. Get a snap of that shelf in the trailer of this wonderful movie with the ever so hot Gael Garcia Bernal here: It is a inspiration for anyone who loves crafts, or has a lively fantasy, or just dreams in general.
I have to say I am pretty proud of these. They are a bit chubby and uneven, just like me. But pretty cute as well.
I sened them to a hungarian friend togheter with a english translation of the cakes, that is from a cook book in swedish that she bought when she was here.
Knitting eatable things (not literary) was really fun, I am looking forward to experimenting with more of that.
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